The new year always comes around too quickly. There seem to be months of buildup to Christmas, followed by the most raucous celebration of the year, and then, suddenly — we’re into January. How can we use this excitement and opportunity to manage our homes? Read on if you’re wondering how to declutter your home or thinking about home office organization ideas and practical ways to reduce clutter.

Home Organization Checklist
Many people rightly focus on their health as a New Year’s resolution. We promise to cut down on drinking, exercise more, devote more time to our loved ones, or just be a better person in general. Well, what about working on our home organization and our health? Learning how to organize your home can help you become more relaxed and at peace with yourself. Indeed, decluttering can bring a feeling of control to an otherwise chaotic and hectic life, even if you just start with organizing the home screen on your computer!

Get Rid of Unused Items in Your Closet
One excellent way to declutter your home is to have rules; if you haven’t worn a garment in the last year, it can go! It’s not easy sometimes; we all want to keep those sentimental, “funny” T-shirts we bought on holiday or those skinny jeans we saw our favorite band wearing. Still, once the clutter is gone, you usually soon forget about the items, and your mental health and wardrobe will thank you when you organize your home.
For couples wishing to declutter, you can employ one “scary” yet effective technique: allow your partner to recycle your clothes for you. Yes, this could cause arguments if you realize a few weeks later that you can’t find the favorite sweater Uncle Bob gave you for your 30th birthday. Nevertheless, most partners won’t disregard items of sentimental value. The same is true for old furniture — you don’t have to hold on to pieces when they no longer have a purpose or don’t suit your new décor. You can sell or swap unwanted items.
Declutter Your Kitchen
Aside from miscellaneous household furnishings, kitchen gadgets are tempting to buy. You can always find a reason to buy a funny tea mug or a prepping knife with an ergonomic carbon handle that makes chopping or cutting food easier. However, you’ll find that you don’t need many kitchen utensils, provided they’re high quality. A good rule is to donate the cheaper one if you have two. This way, you get to declutter, and keep the higher-quality tools. Get back to basics, purge your home of unnecessary equipment, and lower your blood pressure at the same time!
Reorganize Cabinets and DrawersIf throwing things out is too hard, changing how you organize your cabinets and dresser drawers can minimize a messy, untidy vibe. A key tip for success is to store like with like. For example, some steps to declutter your home include:
- Keep home organization products like Tupperware in one kitchen cupboard.
- Have separate drawers for socks and underwear to shorten morning “hunting time.” Alternatively, spoil yourself with a new bed that features convenient storage.
- Keep similar kitchen items in the same storage containers.
Spontaneous Short but Sweet Spruce-ups
Striving to modify your tidying routine can give you the spark you need to keep up with keeping your home tidy. Allow yourself short periods to clean up. Say to yourself, “Today, I will tidy the bathroom for 15 minutes.” Set a timer on your phone and get down and dirty for a short, sweet, and very productive cleaning dash. You may end up tidying for 30 minutes instead of 15, which is never a problem.
Shelves for the Win – Making Use of Your Spare Space
Most of us have at least some unused wall space that we rarely use. Buying shelves or bookcase units enables you to stack your items where you can see them. Remember to place the items you use the most in an accessible place and those less-used items higher or lower.
Find New Furniture at Home Zone Furniture
Big cleanouts and other minor changes to your home can positively impact your lifestyle and mood. You can readily update and organize your home with stylish storage solutions and a few subtle touches from our extensive furniture range. If you need more ideas or information about our products, please contact your local Home Zone Furniture store to discover more about giving your home a clean start this year.